Discover the allure of luxury & convenience at Fynbos Village — where each day set to unfold with your well-being and best interests aligned. Here, ownership extends beyond mere residence: it's a lifestyle investment.
Embrace the perks of sectional-title ownership to have it serve you - granting the flexibility of a ‘lock-up 'n go’, with the freedom and ‘peace-of-mind’ to venture out into the vibrant Cape Town scene and world of travel - all whilst passively gaining monetarily if you decide to have the residence conditionally and professionally let out at any such given time.
This meticulously planned and managed development, sees to facilitate sound safety and security measures to enhance its residents' quality of living:
• Manned guardhouse, CCTV,
Surveillance patrols, Perimeter walls and fencing & more features.
• Medical consultation rooms, & wheelchair accessibility;
• Modern Contemporary design of its estate and units;
• Healthier living promoted through its exercise and swimming facilities offered;
• Close proximity to essential amenities, health services, and recreational facilities.
All amidst the Estate’s lush indigenous Fynbos, and its 'spectacular-approved' views.
Contact our agents for more information.