Newinbosch - this popular 2 bed-, one bathroom simplex unit has an open plan living area with a sliding door leading to a small patio and enclosed, private garden. It has 2 tandem parking bays in front of the apartment and a galley kitchen. The latter has fridge- and microwave housing as well as a gas/electric stove. A water point is in the shower bathroom, that can house both a washing machine and tumble dryer on top of each other. Solar (PV) geysers were installed, and apartments are fibre ready. Both water and electricity is pre-paid.
Newinbosch Neighbourhood is about 3km out of Stellenbosch on the R304, offers glorious mountain views and a range of lifestyle, is pet friendly and a great choice for students, young professionals, families and retirees looking for a secure and
hassle-free lifestyle.