It is quite challenging to find a spacious home to rent at an affordable price in Postmasburg today. This 4 bedroom house in Postmasburg is situated in an established part of Postmasburg. It has a comfortable kitchen with built in cupboards. Storage space is no problem here.
The gas hob is an extra bonus especially during load shedding. The next surprise is the lounge with thatched roof and built in fireplace. In summer you can spend cool lazy family time here and in winter the fireplace will provide the necessary heat. Next to the lounge is a room which can be used for a TV room, play room or even gym. Family and friends can reunite and catch up at the dining room table.
Yes, there is a dining room! There are 3 bathrooms - one with shower, the ensuite with shower and bath, and the
guestroom bathroom with shower. Like in the kitchen there are build in cupboards for all four seasons' clothes - no need to pack or unpack clothes when the season is changing. In the corridor another surprise awaits you - a corner with the functionality of a study/working space. The guest bedroom is almost like a small apartment with a kitchenette corner. Now family can extend their visits - you won't even know they are there.
The house is surrounded with an established garden, a paradise for children to play hide and seek while Mom and Dad can enjoy the rest of the peaceful garden especially the fish pond. The JoJo tank adds piece of mind for times when water can be a problem. Safe undercover parking for two vehicles and additional parking is not a headache.