Perfect Investment Property -Income Generator
The double story house has been divided into 2 sections
It features 7 Bedrooms , 4 Bathrooms, 2 Kitchens , Lounge and Dining Area.
Bathrooms are fully tiled with Showers and a separate guest Toilet
Main Kitchen has ample Cupboards
Upstairs has a little Balcony with amazing Views
Downstairs has a neat verandah
Double Lock Up Garage and 4 Parking Bays
Well secured property with CCTV Cameras and Remote Control Access
3 Income Generating Flats
Flat 1 has 1 Bedroom , Kitchen and Bathroom ( Rental Income R3500)
Flat 2 Downstairs 1 Bedroom with ensuite , separate Lounge and Kitchen (5700)pm
Flat 3 has 2 Bedrooms ,2 Bathrooms ,Open Plan Lounge and Kitchen (R7000)per month
Total Rental Income currently is R 16200 per month
The balance
of the property can generate more income
Owners are currently living in
This Property has a lot of potential close to King Dinizulu Hospital ,Schools and
Shopping Centers
Property is just off Stanley Copley Drive
viewing by appoint ment only