PROPERTY AVAILABLE FOR RENTAL, this suitable for any one from business people, young graduates, Couples or newly weds. The property is located just a stone throw away to malls, Hospital, Train station and schools etc
To secure your space is just a phone call to the agent now before can be used as a General business property for rental
PROPERTY FOR RENTAL can bring business trading opportunity on someone' door. property located in a agricultural business area and suitable for different kind of businesses potential property tenant can choose and It is in around different businesses of note in Midrand; Tailoring and dress-making, Welding workshop, products manufacturing place, Distribution, School, Security control office,
Bakery, Chicken feed Warehouse/ Storeroom, equipment storage, Catering and event equipment storage, Construction machinery storage etc.......
This property brings business opportunity of lifetime from generation to generation.
To meet with an agent for a way forward and signing lease agreement is just a call away.
You snooze, you loose.................