This excellent business property with potential is located in the Harrismith business area.
The property is suitable for different types of business operations and consists of:
Area: square meter
Main warehouse - Portal frame with rock-face brick wall under a cranked IBR roof with monitor design - 1 050
Smaller garage/warehouse - Bagged brick under a flat roof - 97
Trading area with support space - Rock face brick walls under cranked IBR, vinyl floors, air-conditioning,
steel window frames in good condition
Double story office block - Similar in design to trading area,
(Suitable for renting to other businesses if not used by owner). 310 x 2
Single story annex to office block - Similar in design to trading area 19
Lean-to: Roof on steel poles, unsurfaced floor 125
Ablution block - plaster 24
Pallet shed- flat roof, brick under IBR, wire gate on front 20
Carport - Corrugated iron on steel posts with concrete floor in good condition 58
TOTAL 2 265