Hierdie gevestigde slagpale en slaghuis is in die mark teen R5 200 000 kommissie ingesluit, BTW uitgesluit. Die slagpale is gelee op die buiterand van Merweville en is gebou op die ou meent erf wat ingesluit is in die koop. Die oppervlakte van die Meent erf is 163 ha en beskik oor 4 boorgate waarvan een boorgat toegerus is met 'n windpomp en 'n dompelpomp. Aan die slagpale is 10 aflaaikrale om die hantering van slagvee te vergemaklik. Die slagpale is ingerig om skape en varke te kan slag en gedurende die jagseisoen kan wild ook hanteer word. Voorsiening is ook gemaak vir voldoende verkoelingfasiliteit. Verder is daar kleedkamers, wasgeriewe en toiletfasiliteite vir werkersnemers.
Die slaghuis is gelee op `n erf in Merweville dorp. Die goed toegeruste slaghuis kan biltong, droe wors, koue
vleise en nog vele ander tipe verwerkte vleise prossesseer. Die slaghuis word as 'n operasionele eenheid aangebied met die vertoonkaste, koelkaste en vrieskaste ingesluit.
'n Groot deel van die kliente basis is buite Merweville. Die bemarking het uitgebrei selfs na Somerset Strand Helderberg area waar 'n perseel gehuur word en 'n gevestigde kliente basis het en gesogde organiese Karoo produkte op 'n deurlopende basis aangebied word.
Die voertuie wat gebruik word is uitgesluit. Almal gelisensieerd.
Die besigheid is vir BTW geregistreer.
Hierdie is werklik 'n uitstekende geleentheid om toegang te kry tot 'n ou gevestigde besigheid.
Established abattoir, butchery, and retail outlet
This established abattoir and butchery is for sale at R5 200 000 including commission and excluding VAT. The abattoir is built on the Meent just outside of Merweville and the erf consisting of 169 ha is included in the deal. Improvements on the erf are 4 boreholes, of which the one that is supplying the abattoir with water, is equipped with a windmill and a submersible pump. Attached to the abattoir are 10 pens in order to manage the movement of the stock brought in. The abattoir is equipped to slaughter sheep and pigs and can also handle the game during the hunting season. The cooling facilities are adequate for the capacity of the abattoir. Comfortable ablution is well taken care of.
The butchery is situated in town on its own plot. The well-equipped butchery can produce a variation of products like biltong, droe wors, cold meats and many other meat products. The butchery is offered as a going concern with the fridges and display units included in the deal.
Quite a large amount of the client base is outside of the Merweville area. Marketing is well established in the Somerset West / Strand / Helderberg area where a well-equipped retail outlet is hired, and meat and other products are being supplied under the well-known brand name.
The vehicles are not included in the deal, but they are all likened and road worthy. Buying them is negotiable.
The business is a VAT vendor.
This is a unique opportunity to buy an established business with a well-known brand name in the meat industry.