This 373 sqm retail space is situate in the heart of Umhlanga Rocks in a prime position with plenty of parking.
These premises a couple of years ago were occupied by Olive & Oil and comprise: -
- Total area – 373sqm with good visibility and high volume of foot traffic. Fully airconditioned.
- Very large interior dining area with 2 double doors leading onto a veranda overlooking Umhlanga Village where additional tables can be set up to expand the dining area.
- Separate bar area/waiting area
- Kitchen area
- Walk in refrigerator area.
- Storeroom
- Men’s and ladies’ ablutions
- Staff changing rooms with showers and toilets
- Large office with secure liquor storeroom.
Sold with tenant in place , paying R90 000pm
Can easily be converted back to a restaurant.
The position is prime with plenty
of parking available.
Call Barry to view.