Situated within a safe secure retail/ office park. Lovely, bright, neat and clean shopping centre. Good easy access to public transport, buses and taxes as well Midrand Gautrain Station at Grand Central Airport. Access via Harry Galaun Drive and New Road. Situated within close proximity of International Business Gateway (IBG), Carlswald and Sanridge Shopping Centres. Easy drive time of The Mall of Africa, Waterfall Estate, and Gallagher Convention Centre.
If this is not what you are looking for, please click on Karen Evans link to view our other Quadrant offerings or better still please call Karen Evans of Quadrant Properties (Pty) Ltd who is the Midrand’s foremost property expert to assist with rental, sales, investments and valuations Kindly note not all of our listings are
advertised as certain clients require discretion when leasing or selling their properties. We look forward to assisting with whatever property matters you may have.