Place your business at Medpark Vereeneging & enjoy ease of access, great signage opportunity, corporate image & much more. The well-maintained building is equipped with lifts, bathrooms, as well as kitchens on each floor. Right in the heart of the Vereeneging node accessible from the Major highway. The building is on a bus route & just a short walk from the Magisterial Court in Vereeneging. Key Features, 24 hour security, Secure parking, Main road exposure, Easy access, Fibre connectivity. This suite is available immediately & for private viewing by appointment only. Trafalgar's core business is property management services for sectional title schemes & home owners associations across the country. Trafalgar has a successful Fifty-year track record, dating back to the opening of the first
sectional title registers in South Africa. Our dedicated brokers have an abundance of knowledge to draw on and will negotiate mutually beneficial leases in an effort to ensure long tenancy for vacant premises. Trafalgar, One-stop property solutions.