This farm is in the high potential arable land area of Bethlehem.
The farm consists of:
Arable lands (5) 63 ha
Natural grazing 67 ha (1 camp)
TOTAL 130 ha
The rainfall is 650 to 700 mm per annum
The average yield is: Maize 6 to 6.5 tons/hectare
Soyabeans 2 to 2.5 tons/hectare
One camp with a carrying capacity of 4 hectare per LSU is supplied with water from a spruit with fountains.
There are two boreholes on the farm equipped with: 1x submersible solar pump
1x submersible electric pump
Power supply is by Eskom - single phase
Other Buildings include:
1. Open store - 15 x15 square meters
2. Soreroom -
4 x 12 square meters brick building
3. Workers house - old school building
4. One sink room
Cattle handling facility with a neck clamp is near the above-mentioned buildings.
The Park home makes it possible to enjoy the farm over weekends or during the planting and harvest seasons.