Exclusive sole mandate
This 671,5 ha well-established farm has ±400 ha sugarcane plantations and 20 ha macadamia trees, as well as an excellent infrastructure.
The farm has 4 portions:
1. 168.9842 ha
2. 201,9482 ha
3. 206.3899 ha
4. 94.1863 ha
Portions 1 and 2 are conveniently adjacent to each other and portions three and four are adjacent to each other.
Portion 1 and 2: R38 300 000
370,9 ha with 234 ha Irrigated sugarcane plantations
20 ha Macadamia trees
1 596 894 m³ Water rights from Tugela-Mhlatuze (Irrigated from dam and canal scheme)
20 000 m³ Storing rights for irrigation purposes
3 Houses, 3 open sheds, workshop and staff compounds.
Portion 3 and 4: R22 700 000
300,57 ha with 160 ha Dryland
sugarcane plantations.
270 000 m³ water rights for irrigation purposes from Nseleni river.
Flatlet, office, stores and double garage, servants’ quarters, store room, open animal shelter, 11 staff houses.
The farms are situated approximately 20 - 45 kilometres North - West of Empangeni in KwaZulu-Natal. The immediate area is known as Heatonville and surrounding properties are used for cane farming purposes.
The cane is supplied to the Felixton Mill which is located ±35 kilometres from the farms.
The farms are conveniently near to the railway line where cane is carted.
±400 ha Sugarcane plantations under centre pivot (3 pivots- 3,4 and 5 tower) and draglines.
20 ha Macadamia trees under drip irrigation.
Age of trees:
50 % - 6 years old
25 % - 5 years old
25% - 4 years old
1 866 894 m³ Registered water rights in place for all irrigation.
Water is sourced from the Goedertrouw dam as part of the Heatonville Irrigation Scheme as well as the Mhlathuze and Nseleni rivers.
Storage irrigation dam (20 000 000 m³ registered storage rights)
The cane is irrigated by a centre pivot and draglines and the macadamia trees with drip irrigation.
2 Boreholes
Rainfall per annum – 1100 mm
100 000 litre Underground concrete rainwater reservoir for domestic purposes.
This thriving sugarcane farms boast high income. The yields on the farm vary from 120 ton/ha for pivot cane, down to between 70 ton/ha – 90 ton/ha for dragline irrigated cane.
3 Dwellings
Several sheds, workshops and storerooms
Staff compounds
Electric fencing
Remote access to main gates
Burglar bars
CCTV - system
- Equipment not included in the selling price, but can be bought at market related prices
- The farms can be bought as going concern.
- Eskom power as well as back-up generator.
- The seller is VAT registered and if applicable VAT will be
added to the selling price.
- Market related valuation available.