An easily manageable and accessible farm set on the Plains of Camdeboo with irrigation potential maximised by recent infrastructure development. Due to the open and flat nature of the farm all livestock can easily be seen and cared for.
It is ideal for Merino sheep and Angora goat farming.
LOCATION: ± 45 km south of Graaff-Reinet
SIZE: ± 1,682.5 ha
CARRYING CAPACITY: ± 14 ha / LSU on the veld
TOPOGRAPHY: Low-lying open Karoo plains in the north with low ridges to the south intersected by the Melk River flowing for 3 km from east to west between the two. Altitude is between ± 500 – 620 m above sea level
VEGETATION: Riverine acacia with good sweet grasses and soft grazing and reeds. Dwarf Karoo and succulent shrubs and sweet eragrostis grass on open
FARM INFRASTRUCTURE: The farm is divided into 10 camps with both small-stock and cattle handing facilities
IRRIGATION: 32 hectares of which 30 ha is planted with lucerne and 2 ha with barley. 22 ha under centre pivots (15 ha permanent & 3.5 ha x 2 mobile) and 10 ha under drag-lines. A further 3.5 ha is being developed for winter crops.
WATER SUPPLY: The Melk River has 3 springs and 1 weir. There are a few earth dams, and 3 windmills on the farm, and a mobile solar pump is used on a number of boreholes as is needed for some of the stock waters. There is also strong water east of the tar road with deep soil where a minimum of 10 ha could be irrigated. The five submersible pumps provide water as follows:
• 2 x submersible pumps for the house and 2 ha of lands
• 1 x 7.5 kw produces 29 000 litres per hour
• 1 x 9.3 kw pump produces 30 000 litres per hour
• 1 x 15 kw pump produces 40 000 litres per hour
BUILDINGS: A modern 4 bedroom homestead with veranda, open-plan lounge / dining room / kitchen, 2 bathrooms, office, laundry, swimming pool & adjoining self-contained bachelor flat. In addition there is a 4 vehicle garage, a large shed, a shearing shed, meatroom, storeroom, 3 staff cottages, and other outbuildings on the farm.
LIVESTOCK: ± 500 merino ewes and 300 angora ewes. (January 2018)
MOVEABLE ASSETS: Tractors, trailers, implements, tools and other equipment etc.
GAME: Naturally occurring species of the Karoo including Kudu, Steenbok and Duiker etc.
FARM PRICE: R 15 m + VAT if applicable