This property has recently become available in the Tshipise area of Limpopo.
It is over 2000 hectare in extent and has been utilized for cattle breeding in the past. The hardy indigenous Afrikaner and Nguni breeds are particularly well adapted to this environment.
When the game industry offered better returns on investment it evolved to a game farm with Cape Buffalo and large antelope replacing the domestic animals.
This farm is in the citrus growing area of Limpopo, the routes leading to the farm boast impressive Citrus estates, complete with Packhouse's and related infrastructure.
The farm is typical of the area, the climate, largely untouched bush and terrain, and isolation make it unique.
The property boasts one of the Largest Baobabs found in South Africa, perhaps one of the Big 5
There are two boreholes, they are solar powered, complete with tanks and cement watering holes.
Staff houses are functional and sufficient for the game scouts or cattle herders. The perimeter fence is well maintained 2,4 M high game fence as approved by the authorities.
Towards the South the terrain is broken and low hills silhouette the boundary, here there are waterholes in the river that are filled in the rainy season.
The owners are anxious to sell this farm as it does not fit their current vision for the business, being Citrus and Macadamia nut based.
However it has been part of the family business for years contributing to the expansion into alternative agricultural fields, there is no reason why it cannot be utilized to do the same for its new owner.