5438.8091ha @ R 9 300 000
Baie goeie Wes - Kalahari duine plaas. Skaap en bees Plaas
Drakrag: GVE 1/26ha
Geen woonhuis
Buite geboue
15 Kampe - Jakkalsproef rondom plaas.
4 krale
7 Boorgate toegerus met windpompe en sonpompe.
10 x 5 000L tenks
5 x 10 000L Tenks
3 x Damme
Die plaas is baie goed bewerk en kan gemaklik net met bees of skaap geboer word.
Infrastruktuur is uitstekend.
Weiding bestaan uit verskillend grasse soorte en klein bossie veld en groter bome soos vaalkameel.
Hoofsaaklik duine veld met gedeelte wit duine met die droë Molopo rivier wat deur die plaas loop.
Die water verspreiding is baie goed en word versprei deur middel van windpompe en sonpompe versprei.
110 km vanaf Upington.
5438.8091ha @ R10 060 000.00
Carrying capacity: LSU 1/ 26Ha
Very good
Western Kalahari dune farm. Sheep and cattle farm
No house
Outside buildings
15 Camps – Jackal proof fencing around the farm.
4 x Sheep handlings pens
7 Boreholes equipped with wind pumps and solar pumps.
10 x 5 000L Tanks
5 x 10 000l Tanks
3 x Dams
The farm is very well planned and can be farmed with cattle and sheep.
Infrastructure is excellent.
Pasture consists of different grass species and small bush veld and larger trees such as pale camel.
Mainly dune veld with section of white dunes with the dry Molopo river running through the farm.
The water distribution is very good and is distributed by means of wind pumps and solar pumps.
110 km from Upington.