The 982ha farm is located close to main arterials, some gravel, and some tar roads, as the N4 Freeway is within 20 km from the property.
With respect to the agricultural use, the farm is suitable for agricultural purposes. The farm is primarily used as a game farm with a small portion of
natural grazing utilized for livestock. Given the nature of the surrounding agricultural properties, together with the prevailing climatic conditions, soil
fertility and water situation game farming is the best use for the farm.
The farm is situated in the western region of the Highveld which is mainly grassland Savannah. The natural grazing consists mainly of sour veldt that
sustains one head of cattle per 8 hectares. Although the soil has not been tested, it varies from a sandy loam with gravel to rocky
60 ha on the eastern side bordering the Groot Marico River with cattle fence,
920h on the western side with game fence and two natural fountains and seasonal water.
No Eskom lines and no buildings. Farm has four title deeds.